Letters to the Editor
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334 results total, viewing 21 - 40
The New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (NYSCOPBA) is calling on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and the state legislature to address the escalating violence in … more
Our foreign aid for fiscal year 2025 is around $95 billion, and a number of countries receiving this aid do not seem to appreciate the generosity of the United States. We have many people in the … more
With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirming that the first child in the United States has tested positive for bird flu, our political leaders should, among other things, consider a … more
Because the county budget season is here and we’re entering the fifth year of controversy over restructuring the Adult Care Center (ACC), it’s time to take stock. By objective … more
Pundits and journos have a field day explaining to us AFTER the fact what has happened with Democrats, while BEFORE the elections they went all gaga for the Democratic candidates from Kamala Harris … more
It’s almost Turkey Day, and with the Thanksgiving holiday quickly approaching, preparations are well underway. Turkeys have been bought, beer has been stocked and loved ones are traveling from … more
November, a beauteous time of the year, Caught between breezes and blizzards, A cross section of gloomy and cheer, All by the hands of the wizards. Morning cotton and nighttime … more
I find the growing trend of medical consolidation here in Pennsylvania and across the country to be deeply troubling. Corporations are buying up independent doctors’ offices and charging more … more
A week after November 5, the NYT headlined the news that “MANY DEMOCRATS SAT OUT ELECTION.” How politically astute an observation.  When I went to bed on Election Day before the … more
As holiday celebrations begin, spreading compassion cultivates joy and amplifies the festive spirit. This month, we celebrated National World Kindness Day on November 13. It was and is the perfect … more
Regarding the story of the white sheet with racist words being hung off the Narrowsburg bridge: Why wasn’t this on the front page of the paper? Hate crimes need to be fully exposed so everyone … more
Washington was lobbied into existence as a compromise between the North and the South. Initially, Congressmen had to navigate the swamps of Pennsylvania Avenue to visit the White House. … more
While America went back to its common sense and elected President Trump based on the economy and freedom, assorted left, socialists and communists in the rest of the world are predicting … more
Dear America, You chose a despicable, lying, draft-dodging felon who desecrated the graves at Arlington National Cemetery for a cheap photo-op to lead (or if he has his way, rule) our Nation. … more
The voters have spoken. While the outcome of the presidential election is not what we had hoped, our commitment to justice does not end at the ballot box. We will continue to fight every day for … more
(Note: This letter was sent November 6.) We would like to congratulate all of the candidates who were victorious on Election Day. We know that the campaign process is grueling, but governing is … more
We all know that prices are too high. I see it every time I go to the grocery store or the pharmacy. Big companies raised their prices during COVID and they never came down. And now CEOs are making … more
An entertaining My View (“Harris does not understand economics,” October 24-30) by the Czech transplant, Ivan Orisek. Not quite up to the standards of his compatriot, Kafka, since he … more
Lincoln: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves and, under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it." "Our defense is in preserving the spirit which prizes … more
U.S. Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-01) joined Republican congressional candidate Rob Bresnahan recently for a “Broken Bridges, Broken Promises” tour across Pennsylvania’s 8th District. The … more
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