At a loss for words

Well, it finally happened. I think I may have run out of words. Don’t get too excited—I’m guessing (hoping? betting? praying?) that it’s temporary, but for the moment, the …

‘The hurrier I go…’

“…the behinder I get.” That’s right—and until today, when I fact-checked it, I thought this was said by the White Rabbit in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in …

American history is a funny thing

At least it is when addressed by River Rep Theatre in the form of Larissa FastHorse’s rollicking comedy, “The Thanksgiving Play.” It’s being presented through Sunday, October …

Between a rock and a hard place

I was surprised to learn that the phrase “between a rock and a hard place” originated in the U.S. fairly recently, in the early part of the 20th century. At the risk of stating the …

Stop. Smell the roses. Repeat.

It’s another one of those pesky metaphors that play over and over in my head, doing their best to sink in. If I were to hazard a guess, I would suppose that the “stop and smell the …