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Hear a waltz??,,,,,I do:


I learned to waltz many, many years ago

In local fire halls, community centers and a gin mill, or two.

Adult friends and relatives were kind enough

To teach this kid how to dance.

I had relatives who were foxtrot champs,

But I was drawn to the waltz.

My Grandpa and my mother could really waltz,

And I followed in their footsteps (literally).

But, it was when I met the love of my life…

The girl who would become my wife…

That I really felt the magic

Of the waltz….

‘Light on her feet!”

Was an inadequate description of her dancing…

She literally flowed with the music of a waltz,

And she carried me along with her….still does!

Though now old, we still love to waltz;

She still moves like a graceful princess.

And, moving with her, I’m a prince….

I look forward to waltzing with her forever…!!

Lloyd Barnhart

From: Do I hear a waltz?

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