That was the week that was

I ran around like a madman last week and attended this ‘n that. There were a few cancellations along the way, and as is often the case, I missed one or two things that I should have …

He said/she said

As someone who often writes about live theatre, it is not uncommon for me to take copious notes during the performance and then refer to them later on when I sit down to put pen to paper—as it …

I’ll follow the sun

For weeks we’ve all heard rumblings about a solar eclipse coming our way, but reports have been sketchy. While there’s no doubt that the sun is scheduled to blink out “sometime next …

Rocky Pinciotti

That’s right, cartographer. It’s a pretty fancy word, and I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I was using it properly, but when I checked online, I became sure …

Weather permitting

It’s fairly safe to say that this past weekend saw a lot of people (and dogs) feeling “happy happy, joy joy” because it snowed. Not just a dusting, mind you, but depending on where …