12th Street safety, nonprofit workshop and more

What's happening in the Upper Delaware region March 23 to 29

Posted 3/22/23

12th Street about to get safer

HONESDALE, PA — The Greater Honesdale Partnership and the Honesdale Borough Council received a $311,000 grant to improve pedestrian safety and river trail …

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12th Street safety, nonprofit workshop and more

What's happening in the Upper Delaware region March 23 to 29


12th Street about to get safer

HONESDALE, PA — The Greater Honesdale Partnership and the Honesdale Borough Council received a $311,000 grant to improve pedestrian safety and river trail connectivity on 12th Street between Church and Main Streets.

“This is great news for Honesdale. We are happy to announce that our hard work paid off,” said Sandi Levens, executive director of the Greater Honesdale Partnership. 

The project will involve installing a sidewalk and bike lane, connecting the Lackawaxen River Trail to Main Street. Currently, there are no sidewalks or bike lanes on the riverbank side. Parallel parking next to the river’s edge makes it dangerous to exit a vehicle. 

The addition of the sidewalk/trail, bike lane, crosswalks, repositioned parking and a change to a one-way traffic setup along 12th street will, a GHP press release stated, “provide pedestrian safety, calm traffic and connect the river trail to Main Street’s commercial downtown.”

Signage, lampposts, benches, trash cans, landscaping and more will also be added. 

The GHP and the borough council thanked Reps. Jonathan Fritz and Joe Adams, and Sens. Lisa Baker and Rosemary Brown for their support.

For more information, email Levens at ghp@visithonesdalepa.com

Deadline approaching for Michael Bryant fund applicants

WAYNE COUNTY, PA — People or groups who were considering applying for a Michael J. Bryant Memorial Fund grant should hurry—the deadline is Friday, March 31.

The fund will award $12,000 in grants to challenged individuals or nonprofit community organization projects this spring.

 Established in June 2008, the Michael J. Bryant Memorial Fund has distributed more than $61,000 to local individuals and organizations. Its purpose is to assist Wayne County citizens with special needs, to acquire goods and/or services that those citizens need, or to help local nonprofit organizations improve their communities. 

Organizations can nominate individuals by filling out the grant application and noting the specific need and associated costs.

During his life, Mike overcame many obstacles caused by developmental disabilities, according to a press release. He also was devoted to his community, volunteering his time to the local fire company.

Grant applications are accepted through the Wayne County Community Foundation’s website. Submit completed applications by Friday, March 31. The foundation will notify winners by Friday, April 28. A check-presentation ceremony will be scheduled then. 

The fund reimburses organizations, rather than individuals, to ensure accountability. Previous applicants and recipients can re-apply. 

For questions about the application process, call the Wayne County Community Foundation at 570/251-9993 or email info@waynefoundation.org.

Apply for a scholarship now

ONLINE — The Wayne County Community Foundation is accepting scholarship applications for 2023. 

This year, the foundation will use an online platform. All high school seniors residing in or attending a school in Wayne County, either in person or online, are encouraged to apply.

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, April 1. 

Eligibility and information about available scholarships can be found by visiting the foundation’s website at www.waynefoundation.org. 

For questions or information, email the foundation at info@waynefoundation.org

NARCAN training at WSPL

JEFFERSONVILLE, NY — A NARCAN training session will be offered at the Jeffersonville branch of the Western Sullivan Public Library (WSPL) at 3 p.m. on Friday, March 31.

There is no charge for the session. Participants will learn how to safely administer NARCAN, where it can be obtained, and how to detect an opioid overdose. 

To register, visit the library’s calendar at www.wsplonline.org. Email wsplprograms@rcls.org  with any questions.

A survey for older New Yorkers

NEW YORK STATE — If you live in New York State and are aged 60 or over, you have until Thursday, March 30 to fill out a survey that affects state policy. 

The New York State Office for the Aging and the Association on Aging in New York have worked with the research firm Polco on the community assessment survey of older adults. 

It was created to help guide the state’s master plan for aging residents.

In the first phase of the survey, select households were mailed a printed survey or postcard to fill out. But now the survey is open to any New York residents aged 60 or over to complete. 

Recently, the survey was made available online for anyone age 60 and over to complete. 

If you have not yet filled it out, you can find the survey at polco.us/ny23op.

Learn more at aging.ny.gov/news/nysofa-seeks-input-individuals-60-states-first-ever-comprehensive-survey-older-adults.

Maple madness

NEW YORK STATE — In March, New York is about all things maple.

State maple syrup production, according to a press release, reached 845,000 gallons in 2022, placing it second in the nation. 

There’s still time to indulge your love of maple sweetness—Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26 still offers special events and promotions. 

“Maple production in New York is thriving as the industry continues to set records and ranks second in the nation in this sweet crop,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said. 

New York is also home to the largest resource of tappable maple trees within the United States and more than 2,000 maple sugar makers. In 2022, New York’s maple industry used 2.9 million taps.

A searchable list of Maple Weekend events is available at mapleweekend.nysmaple.com.

Riel Peerbooms named CEO of Frost Valley YMCA 

CLARYVILLE, NY — Frost Valley YMCA announced that Riel Peerbooms has been appointed as the new CEO, following the retirement of longtime CEO Jerry Huncosky. 

Peerbooms has over 30 years of experience working with nonprofit organizations; he specialized in youth service, education and development. He has served as the executive director of Trail Blazers Camp since 2008. 

He has also served as a member of Community Board 9 in Brooklyn for five years. 

Frost Valley fosters youth development, healthy living and social responsibility through outdoor educational and recreational programs for all, it stated in a press release. It offers a summer camp, adventure trips, a farm camp, equestrian programs, group and family retreats, family weekends, school trips and more. 

Learn more at frostvalley.org.

Nonprofit workshop from Greater Pike set for April 13

MILFORD, PA — Nonprofit organizations and community leaders can share information and learn about funding opportunities on Thursday, April 13 at the annual nonprofit workshop hosted by the Greater Pike Community Foundation at the Tom Quick Inn; the workshop begins with a light breakfast at 8:30 a.m.

Greater Pike has launched an online newsletter with information for nonprofits; in addition, a grant writer can help nonprofits seek funding.

“This workshop is an excellent opportunity to spread the word about your nonprofit, to learn what other organizations are doing, and to gain a better understanding of ways in which we can work together to benefit our community,” said Greater Pike executive director Jess Zufall. 

Reservations are required and space is limited. Reserve a spot at greaterpike.org/workshop-registration. Include a brief write-up about your organization. 

For more information, email tammysavarese@greaterpike.org  or call 570/832-4686.

For more information about Greater Pike, call Zufall at 570/832-4686, email jesszufall@greaterpike.org, or visit www.greaterpike.org and Facebook.com/GreaterPike.

honesdale, wayne county, sullivan county, monticello, community news, pike county, milford


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