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You don't mention Hamas at all in your equation. The actions of Hamas are not very different than the Nazis even if their motivation is different. Hamas is the governing body of Gaza so you can't just talk about the Palestinian people without discussing the actions of Hamas. Palestinian people may or may not support Hamas but the Israelis have to deal with the reality of the actions of Hamas. I don't know what the ethnic background of the author of this piece is but unless you are Jewish you have no idea how frightened we are now. The fact that antisemitism is on the rise worldwide and very much in the United States, please forgive us if we are not so careful to thread the needle you are suggesting between those who support Palestinians and those who are antisemitic. I believe it is possible but I would prefer that you let me be the judge of where I am going to draw the line. When I hear the media talking about how the hospital in Gaza didn't have tunnels under them because Hamas denied it and the doctors supported that, it makes me question accuracy of the journalism. Hamas has been shown to lie about what is truly happening in Gaza and the doctors are not allowed to speak freely without repercussions. Eventually Israel had the footage to show the massive tunnels that were under hospitals, civilian areas, and schools. When the author of this article just casually refers to Israel as colonialists he demonstrate a bias and a lack of understanding of the difference between European colonialism and Zionism. I am not going to go into the history of Israel but the author is not interested in nuance. I support the lives and rights of Palestinians and by the way so do a lot of Israelis. They are no different than you and me. Netanyahu has been a terrible leader and everyone is suffering under his governance and his right wing cabinet. But just as many Americans wouldn't want to be considered to be the same as Trump because they find his leadership to be morally bankrupt you shouldn't assume Israeli's to be and less of a human being than you. There is no way of understand the complexity of this historical conflict unless you have made a deep dive into the history of the region and have some sense of the history of antisemitism.

From: What’s wrong with labeling people anti-Semitic

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