My view

Mad as hell

Posted 4/16/24

Many of you reading this know me as the longtime supervisor of the Town of Callicoon, the vice president of the County Supervisors Association and the vice chairman of the Sullivan County Republican …

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My view

Mad as hell


Many of you reading this know me as the longtime supervisor of the Town of Callicoon, the vice president of the County Supervisors Association and the vice chairman of the Sullivan County Republican Committee. However today I am writing this letter as someone who serves in a much more important role than any of those previously mentioned. Today I am writing as a father and grandfather.

Recently another brave NYPD officer was tragically and senselessly murdered while conducting a traffic stop. This hero law enforcement officer was only 31 years old. He leaves behind his grieving widow and a precious one-year-old son. Tragic doesn’t begin to describe this despicable act of cold-blooded murder.

As I lovingly remember the years when our two children were growing up, I can’t help but think of the things that the slain officer’s son will now never be able to say. “Daddy, will you play with me?” “Daddy, will you fix this for me?” “Dad, will you play catch with me?” “Dad, can we go fishing?” “Dad, I leave for college tomorrow!” “Dad, we’re getting married!” “Dad, I love you!”

This young father was taken away from his family because he was murdered by a career violent criminal with more than 20 previous arrests The other thug, who was riding in the car with the cowardly killer, has a similar arrest record. In spite of a lifetime of arrests for numerous violent crimes, this deadly duo was allowed to roam free on the streets of New York in possession of an illegal weapon. 

This young innocent family will never be the same, and there are scores of other families who have suffered the same fate. This unthinkable crime should have never happened. This crime could and should have been prevented. This type of heinous act has now become commonplace in New York. This is the sad reality that comes at the hands of New York’s deadly and dangerous bail reform law and the “soft on crime” prosecutors, legislators and the governor herself. 

It makes me sick. It makes me mad as hell.

Gov. Hochul, NYC mayor Adams and DA Bragg all attended the wake of the fallen officer to “pay their respect.” Understandably, they were confronted by the grieving family as well as other NYPD officers who put on the uniform every day to protect all of us, and they were promptly asked to leave and were not allowed to speak. 

Pay their respect? Indeed. If you pathetic, elected officials of New York really wanted to “pay your respect,” then respect all the men and women of law enforcement and repeal, not just reform, dangerous bail reform laws. Allow the real heroes to do their jobs and enforce the law.

I am mad as hell and I am going to do something about it. You can all join me. I am going to do something I have never done in my 47 years of eligibility to vote. I am now 65 and have voted in every election since registering to vote when I reached the age of 18. This year I will vote as soon as the early voting period begins. This is not something that I or most registered Republicans typically do, but now I will and I hope you will seriously consider joining me. I will not wait for the traditional Election Day to cast my ballot. I will not risk some unforeseen reason that could possibly prevent me from voting on Election Day. This is too important. There is too much at stake.

Yes, I am mad as hell, but New York and America are worth fighting for. My children and grandchildren are asking, “Dad/Grandpa, can you help us fix this?” Yes, I can. We ALL can. Vote.

Thomas Bose lives in Youngsville, NY.

bail, reform, new york, youngsville, ny,


3 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Lmcasner

    This traffic-stop death of a 31 year old NYPD officer was indeed tragic.

    Police unions and police websites would have us believe that on -the- job- violence accounts for far more deaths than is the actual case.

    It needs to be said that deaths by violence on the job are quite low compared to deaths police cause in communities in the United States, by the numbers.

    Friday, April 19, 2024 Report this

  • Lmcasner

    Kindly delete the comment just entered a moment ago.

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    apologies for the inconvenience

    M. Casner

    Apr 19 2024

    Friday, April 19, 2024 Report this

  • markngs

    I sense it took great strength to not take this article in the direction I'm guessing you wanted to go, which would be to vote out many current elected officials in favor of past bail reforms. I too have been voting since the age of 18. I will join you Thomas Bose in voting early and thank you for writing this moving editorial. Mark McLewin

    Monday, April 22, 2024 Report this