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297 results total, viewing 161 - 180
Black History Month 2024: Nikki Haley isn’t the only one having trouble talking about racism and slavery. Invited to speak at a university, the topic was put to me: “Why is it so hard to … more
According to Marc Molinaro (HR-19th), Sullivan County Head Start, Inc. (SCHS) had received enough money to stay open through March 2024 and, with PROPER PAPERWORK, would have received additional … more
Elizabeth Eckford suffered the epithets of an angry mob as, books in arms, she strode toward the front door of Little Rock Central High School in 1957. “Lynch her! Lynch her!” a neatly … more
February is Children’s Dental Health Month. This observance of oral health helps to raise awareness and reinforce the importance of good oral health in our children as well as to provide … more
I think most of us are unhappy that the events of the world have forced a divisive tone into our otherwise friendly local communities. But unfortunately, these events are of such historical … more
In recent times, embracing science and rejecting hocus-pocus explanations of how the world functions has become an increasingly widespread characteristic of modern behavior.  We no longer … more
It was freezing cold last Saturday at sundown, five degrees Fahrenheit and windy, especially on the bridge. But I had dressed for it! I got out my long black thrift-store special down coat with just … more
Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee for President of the United States, and Americans for Limited Government proudly supports him.  It is time for former Gov. Nikki Haley to end her campaign, … more
The New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) objects to the announcement that additional correctional facilities will be closed in the upcoming budget … more
Just over 100 days since Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel, representatives from the Jewish Federations of Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster Counties presented Rep. Pat Ryan (D, NY-18) and his staff … more
I’ve lived in the hamlet of Beaver Brook, Town of Tusten, my entire life. My three siblings and I grew up utilizing the park on the flats. There used to be a youth center there; it was taken … more
For many, drinking alcohol during the holidays is commonplace. It’s widely accepted to use alcohol as a method of bringing people together. Unfortunately, the holidays are a complex time for … more
NATIONWIDE — Real winter has started. We’ll continue to get colder weather, tougher conditions and higher energy costs to keep our homes warm.  But don’t worry, there are … more
Monitor your home heating system New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and PA’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have advised homeowners and … more
Those who like violence, those who prefer cathartic rage, love to lift out King’s words about riots: “Riots are the voice of the unheard.” But a more careful and correct … more
By the time you’re reading this column, Christmas and New Year’s Day will have come and gone, and the holiday lull has officially arrived. Gifts will have been opened, food will have been … more
Born into a Republican family in Louisiana, a state increasingly painted in shades of red, I grew up amidst conservative dialogues with honest values. My childhood was steeped in Republican … more
A few years back, I was leading a group hike along the Cranberry Creek in Paradise Township, PA. It was a hot day, and the water looked sparkling clean and cold. Someone asked whether it was OK … more
At high schools and colleges across the commonwealth, members of performing arts groups and those with military training have one thing in common. They are physically active individuals who, as … more
It’s that time of year again. The holiday season seems to always creep up and I find myself woefully unprepared for the big day.   A couple of weeks ago, in preparation for the … more
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