TOWN OF LUMBERLAND PUBLIC NOTICE Please take note that the Town of Lumberland Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at 1054 Proctor Road, Glen Spey, NY 12737 pursuant to Section ARTICLE III: 250-11; Zoning District Regulations, Glen Spey District) of the town law. Owner: Kevin Friel Address: 42 Swanerbury Road SBL: 21.-1-56.1 Zoning District Classification: River Hamlet District which is also known as the River Overlay Application: Area Variance Project Description: Requesting an area variance of 13.8 ft on the south side to replace an existing deck that is in disarray. The setback requirement is 50 ft and the proposed deck is 36.2 from the rear of the property. Public Hearing Date: April 19th 2022 Time: 7:05 Location: Lumberland Town Hall 1054 Proctor Road Glen Spey, NY 12737 The file is available for review in the Building Department of Town of Lumberland Municipal Building located at the above address. The public may attend the Hearing or provide written comments. Written comments may be submitted via email at, mail or hand delivered to Lumberland Town Hall at the above address, ATTN: Patty Potter, Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk. BY ORDER OF Zoning Board Chair, David Riley